Although this term has been referred to as the transmutation of baser metals into gold or silver, it is an unfortunate interpretation. This perception came about because many alchemists were encouraged or forced to find the link, or trick, to carry out this conversion. While alchemy can transform, it is akin to basic chemistry with one notable exception: Alchemists consider the life force in any cell, while chemists do not generally take this position. The original Order of the Rosicrucians use alchemy even today. The symbols used in alchemy have changed over the centuries, due mainly to certain individuals defrauding people with the use of the symbols, once they were known.
One modern day interpretation is also used in guided imagery. Here, a specific question or problem is transformed this into a symbolic image, whereby a solution or answer can be provided. Such techniques are being used in certain forms of hypno-meditiation and Psychosynthesis.
A font containing over 200 Alchemical symbols can be purchased from Kenneth Hirst for $16.00 within the US. (Add $4.00 for overseas, $0, if e-mailed)