
A mystical brotherhood of the Rosy Cross (Roseae Crucis), that formally dates back to the fourteenth century. These individuals were devoted to the more mystical theories of religion.

There are many organizations today which call themselves Rosicrucian. One of the more well known is the Ancient Mystical Order Rosae Crucis (AMORC). This is an international organization which retains the ancient traditions, teachings, principles, and practical helpfulness of the Order as founded centuries ago. The Rosicrucian Order claims not to be a religious or sectarian society. The following is an extract from their literature:

The Order maintains that it is primarily a humanitarian movement, providing help, happiness and peace in peoples earthly lives. The work of Rosicrucians is to serve those here and now, without expectation of self now or hereafter. Their purpose is to enable men and women to live clean, normal, natural lives, as nature intended. This is to be achieved by enjoying all of the privileges of nature by utilizing the benefits and gifts equally with all of humanity; and to be free from the shackles of superstition, ignorance, and the suffering of avoidable Karma.

The work of the order consists of teaching, studying, and testing the Laws of Nature. Members work to become Masters in the Holy Temple (the physical body) and unselfish servants of God to humanity in the Divine Laboratory (Nature's Domains). This enables each member to render more efficient help to those who are unaware, and need or require help and assistance.

To obtain information concerning the Rosicrucians, write to the worldwide headquarters at:

Scribe S.O.R.
Rosicrucian Order, AMORC
1342 Naglee Avenue
San Jose, CA 95191-0001 USA

The True and Invisible Rosicrucian Order, by Dr. Paul Foster Case, 1981 ISBN0- 87728-608-6.

Online Systems:
Compuserve [GO NEWAGE]

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