Testi di Astrologia
- The New Complete Astrologer, di Derek & Julia Parker
(ISBN 0-85533-519-X)
- Archetypes of the Zodial, di Kathleen Burt (ISBN 0-87542-088-5)
- A Spiritual Approach to Astrology, di Myrna Loftus (ISBN
- Horoscope Symbols, di Robert Hand (ISBN 0-914918-16-8)
- I transiti, di Robert Hand (ISBN 88-344-0517)
- Pluto, The Evolutionary Journey of the Soul; Vol I & II, Jeff Green.
Llewellyn Publications (ISBN 0-87542-269-9).
- Your Place in the Universe di Sheldon Rosner.
- Twilight's
first Gleaming di Farley Malorrus.
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