This compendium of terms is an internet equivalent of the Windows Metaphysical Reference file that has been compiled over the years by Kenneth Hirst.
Background to the Metaphysical Reference FileIf there is any credit for the explanations presented, very little lies within this earthly dimension. Much of the information is essentially channeled information from higher realms. The author's deep desire is that this information can assist, harmonize and unify metaphysical knowledge. There are no claims that any explanation is definitive.
Many spiritual interpretations within this reference are based on the Teachings of Silver Birch. As his message is so simple and eloquent, it seems appropriate to utilize such knowledge. Of knowledge Silver Birch once said:
"Once we have knowledge, it is our responsibility to spread this to those willing to be receptive. Faith is then allowed to be built on such knowledge enabling us to give a rich service to a world of darkness. The resulting faith illuminates our pathway, enabling an understanding of our rightful place with the eternal, divine scheme of life."
The world would be a much better place when more people can realize that knowledge is responsibility and not power.
Those who are ready to receive the information contained herein, will understand and appreciate the meanings. It will not however, necessarily prepare one's soul to become more evolved -- for it is an awareness borne out of individual experience, and the subsequent growth, that enables the evolution of the soul to take place.
Many metaphysical words are seemingly symbolic. For example, a person with a significant Judaic- Christian background, would find the terms God, Spirit and Soul to be generally accepted. To the scientific individual however, the terms Collective consciousness, Essence and Entity, might seem more appropriate.
Therefore, it is requested that you do not judge too harshly the definitions contained herein. They are an attempt to unify terms and provide an awareness of a higher understanding. If that which is presented does not make sense, it is your free will choice to reject it. I will always consider further definitions, truths and alternate explanations for updating purposes.
If you like this reference, you are urged to register it in order to support the principle of shareware. Thank you in advance for your support.
Your `umble servant;
Kenneth Hirst
First updated for the Internet, Feb 1996